
Auto Insurance Agents - What They Do and Why They Matter

  The simple answer is yes, auto insurance agents still exist in today's world and they are no less important than ever before. Insurance agents are the most popular buy method of car insurance today. Not only do they provide you with a quote, but they also negotiate a deal for you, as they represent your policy from your insurance provider. So how do you know which agent to choose? It's simple really, if you have any knowledge at all about insurance or are a bit savvy, you can find out all you need to know about car insurance by asking friends and family about their favorite agent.   You may be more comfortable having your own insurance agent because you already know them and they know you. You don't have to worry about an agent telling you that the policy you are buying is too high and that you will have to pay a few hundred dollars more for the same amount of coverage. On top of that, you may not have to worry about auto insurance agents telling you that their insuran...